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Other Parallel Operation includes customers connecting back-up generation in parallel to the Cleco Power system. When connecting to the distribution system, this interconnection does not fall under FERC regulation, and the load is generally less than 5 MWs.

These facilities, while not FERC jurisdictional, are still required to follow Cleco's Operation of Generation:

The Interconnection Customer agrees to abide by the provisions of Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (IEEE 1547) and the Provider's Specification For Parallel Operation Of Customer-Owned Generation (COG), as amended from time to time. The  Specification for Customer Owned Generation sets forth the minimum requirements and procedures for safe and effective connection and operation of customer-owned generation connected to the Cleco Power system.

The interconnection agreement will be a modified version of the Standard Generator Interconnection Agreement.

Please contact Josh Cox for further information at [email protected] or 318-484-7434.

Understand Compliance with Cleco Power and NERC Standards
All connections to the Cleco Power system must comply with all applicable Cleco Power standards and the planning standards and measurements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) or its successor, as administered by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) and/or any NERC regional entity. The  Specification for Customer Owned Generation sets forth the minimum requirements and procedures for safe and effective connection and operation of customer-owned generation connected to the Cleco Power system.

In addition to the above generation requirements and to avoid impacts to the transmission system reliability, facility interconnection and performance requirements have been established for all generators interconnecting to the transmission system (69kV and above) and can be found in the document  Requirements for Transmission System Interconnections for Generation, Transmission, and End-User.

Step 3: System Impact Study Performed

Step 4: Standard Generator Interconnection Agreement Signed