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Cleco is committed to building a diverse work force and creating an inclusive work environment.

For Cleco, diversity is the representation of many different types of employees. When people think of diversity, they often think of demographics like race or gender. However, diversity is much more than that. Diversity includes characteristics such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, experiences, education, values, backgrounds, ideas and knowledge from various groups in our workplace.

To us, inclusion means valuing, understanding, respecting and allowing these diverse voices to contribute a perspective not yet considered. When you proactively pursue both diversity and inclusion, the outcome will almost always lead to new discoveries, more creativity and solutions to problems that benefit everyone.

Inclusion & Belonging Goals


Diversified Workforce

Utilize inclusive hiring and development practices
to attract and retain a diverse workforce.

Embrace Diversity

Value differences and
embrace diverse perspectives.


Employees Welcome

Create an inclusive environment where every 
employee feels welcomed and respected.

Diverse Suppliers

          Broaden our diverse networking partnerships 
in the communities we serve.

Cleco Wins Procter & Gamble Diversity and Inclusion Award

Cleco was honored with the Procter & Gamble Diversity and Inclusion Award at the 2020 Bizzy awards hosted by the Central Louisiana Chamber of Commerce.  The Bizzy's recognize businesses, nonprofits and individuals in the region who imagine, design, invest, build and provide quality jobs.

Procter & Gamble established the award in 2020 and chose Cleco as its first recipient.