Overhead Power Lines
To promote worker and public safety, the Louisiana legislature passed the Overhead Power Line Safety Act. The law applies to anyone working near overhead power lines.
- Louisiana law (LRS 45:141-146) prohibits unauthorized persons from working, including moving equipment, within ten feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line.
- If any unauthorized person intends to work within 10 feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line, the person responsible for the work to be done must notify the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line not less than 48 hours prior to commencing work.
- Work shall be performed only after satisfactory mutual arrangements have been completed between the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line and the person responsible for the work to be done.
- Visit the Louisiana State Legislature for the complete text of LRS 45:141-146.
- Electrical Safety Foundation International offers information on electrical safety, including updated statistics.

Underground Power Lines
Similar to the overhead power lines we see above us, Cleco has underground power lines that must be respected as well. Underground power lines are packaged beneath the ground at service drops in a metal container on a concrete foundation called a pad-mount transformer.
To help keep customers safe and preserve underground infrastructure, Cleco is a member of Louisiana One Call, a nonprofit organization that allows you to simultaneously notify owners/operators of underground facilities of your intent to dig or demolish. Before you dig, dial 811. Utilities respond by marking their cables, pipelines and similar systems so that you can safely avoid them. Striking underground infrastructure when digging can result in severe injury or even death. For more information, visit Louisiana 811.
Cleco Rights of Way
Cleco's distribution right of way agreements allow the company to maintain the area around its power lines. This may include the removal of trees, shrubs or obstructions that might interfere with or constitute a hazard to the system. For this reason Cleco asks property owners to follow the Right Tree in the Right Place guidelines shown to the right.
Rights of way under Cleco's high-powered transmission lines can range from 100 feet to 250 feet and must remain clear of any obstructions.