Cleco's Vegetation Management Program is strengthening power reliability through the removal of overgrown and hazardous vegetation across its 24-parish service area.
We’re reducing unplanned power outages.
Vegetation in Cleco’s right-of-way is the leading cause of unplanned power outages. In 2024, we began doubling our tree trimming efforts to reduce the occurrence and duration of power outages.
We’re in your community.
Our reliability crews are working in neighborhoods, city centers and remote off-road areas to trim trees and clear overgrown vegetation. Customers are already seeing fewer power outages where this work has been done.
We’re exceeding reliability goals.
Cleco is the only Louisiana utility to meet or exceed LPSC reliability standards for each of the last 26 years and kept customer lights on over 99% of the time in 2024.
Reliability at Work

Frequently Asked Questions
What is vegetation management?
Vegetation management allows Cleco to keep the area around distribution and transmission powerlines clear of trees and other vegetation. This is essential to reliability as trees and other vegetation are the leading cause of unplanned power outages.
Why is Cleco focusing on vegetation management?
Overgrown and hazardous vegetation are the leading cause of unplanned power outages which is why Cleco is doubling its vegetation management efforts to remain among the most reliable in Louisiana and the industry. 99.9% power reliability to be exact.
How do customers benefit from vegetation management?
Cleco’s efforts will reduce the occurrence and duration of power outages, mitigate wildfire risk and improve grid resiliency.
Can customers opt out of tree trimming?
Cleco has acquired right-of-way easements through its service territory to manage vegetation prior to it becoming a threat to service reliability. In some instances where Cleco does not have right-of-way, the company can still take reasonable and necessary actions to protect its assets and ensure reliability.
How can customers request tree and vegetation services?
Customers can call 1-800-622-6537 to report overgrown trees or vegetation.
Does Cleco clear debris once trees/vegetation are cut?
Yes. Cleco typically completes clean-up efforts within 24 to 48 hours. In some situations, crews mulch immediately following trimming.