Cleco offers electrical safety tips for spring storm season and warmer weather

PINEVILLE, La. – March 22, 2022 – The spring storm season, along with warmer weather, has arrived in Louisiana, and Cleco is offering electrical safety tips to help customers prepare for both.
According to meteorologists, the change in seasons, from colder to warmer weather, can produce severe storms.
“Spring storms can bring a variety of hazards, including damaging wind gusts, lightning, hail, heavy rainfall and tornadoes. With the warmer spring weather, customers also will be spending more time outdoors,” said John Melancon, Cleco’s director of corporate safety. “Whether customers are preparing for a severe spring storm or doing yard work, the arrival of spring is a good time to check the electrical safety of homes and businesses, inside and out. Being aware of potentially dangerous situations will help keep all of us safe year-round.”
Cleco offers the following electrical safety tips:
Spring storm season
• While tornadoes can occur year-round, they are more common in the southern states during the spring months.
• Remember that lightning can cause power surges. Unplug appliances before a storm hits.
• Stay clear of power lines and any object they may touch, and report downed lines immediately by calling Cleco at 1-800-622-6537.
• If a power line falls on your car while you are inside, stay put until help arrives. Do not touch anything outside the car or try to get out. If you must get out, open the door and jump clear without touching the ground and the car at the same time.
• Be certain portable radios, flashlights and fresh batteries are available.
• Take precautions for yourself and those around you with special needs. Plan for medications that require refrigeration or equipment that requires electricity. Have a cooler on hand to ice down medications or contact your health care provider for assistance.
Warmer spring weather
• Change the batteries in smoke detectors.
• Call 811 before digging to ensure no contact is made with buried power lines.
• Keep power cords and electrical equipment away from wet areas. • Inspect all electrical power tools for damages.
• Keep all ladders at least 10 feet away from power lines.
• Keep an eye on children playing outdoors. Don’t climb trees near power lines. When flying kites, be sure to fly them in open areas and away from power lines. Electricity can travel down the string of a kite and cause injuries.
• Stay away from downed power lines and any object they are touching.
• Power lines may be hidden by foliage. Contact Cleco at 1-800-622-6537 with concerns about tree limbs growing into overhead power lines.