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Cleco Power President appointed to governor’s Resilient Louisiana Commission

Apr 28, 2020

PINEVILLE, La. – April 28, 2020 – Shane Hilton, president of Cleco Power LLC, a regulated electric utility of Cleco Corporate Holdings LLC, was recently appointed to serve on Resilient Louisiana, a state commission designed to help guide the restart of the state’s economy.

Gov. John Bel Edwards announced creation of the Resilient Louisiana Commission on April 16 in response to the impact of COVID-19.

“COVID-19 represents a historic challenge to our ability to respond medically and save lives, but it also represents a tremendous challenge for Louisiana’s economy and the prosperity of each one of our residents,” Gov. Edwards said.  “For these reasons, we need a comprehensive game plan for creating a more resilient Louisiana.  I’m proud of the men and women who have accepted the challenge to tackle these important issues, and to ensure that Louisiana becomes a leader for the future safety and success of our people.”

Under the commission, there will be several task forces working on specific sectors of Louisiana’s economy such as economic development, health care and human services, manufacturing and others.  Each task force will make recommendations to the commission.

Hilton will lead the task force on energy.  He attended the commission’s first meeting last week with other appointed executives from various businesses throughout the state.

“It’s an honor to be asked to serve and represent Cleco, our customers and the energy sector as we begin this important process of getting our economy up and running again in a way that protects all of us,” said Hilton.  “I look forward to collaborating with other business leaders who represent the best interest of our state and residents.”

Cleco Corporate Holdings LLC is a regional energy holding company that conducts its business operations through its subsidiaries, Cleco Power LLC and Cleco Cajun LLC. Cleco Power is a regulated electric public utility company that owns 10 generating assets with a total nameplate capacity of 3,360 MWs and serves approximately 288,000 customers in Louisiana through its retail business and supplies wholesale power in Louisiana and Mississippi.  Cleco Cajun is an unregulated utility company that owns eight generating assets with a total nameplate capacity of 3,555 MWs, with contracts serving nine Louisiana cooperatives, three wholesale municipal customers and one electric utility.  For more information about Cleco, visit us at

Media Contact:

Jennifer Cahill