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Keep your cool this summer – Save energy, save money

Jul 23, 2015

PINEVILLE, La. ─ Managing your electric bill during the hot summer months of July, August and September can be as simple as using heat generating appliances during the late evening hours. As temperatures heat up, customers’ energy use increases, which can lead to higher monthly electric bills. Cleco offers inexpensive ways for its customers to reduce their energy use and save money.

“We are beginning to experience consistent temperatures in the upper 90s as we get deeper into the summer months, which can increase customers’ energy use,” said Shirley Turner, Cleco general manager of customer experience management. “There are many simple options for customers to consider that will help them conserve energy and make a difference in their monthly electric bills.”

Cleco offers five tips to beat the heat and conserve energy:

  1. Heating and cooling systems are the largest user of electricity in a home. For maximum energy efficiency, Cleco recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher if comfort allows.

  2. Water heaters are the second largest energy consumer in a home. Set the water heater’s thermostat at 120 degrees for maximum efficiency.

  3. Close blinds, shades and curtains to keep the sun out and the cool air in.

  4. Seal cracks and holes around doors, windows and ductwork. Weather stripping and caulk will help keep the cold air inside the house and the hot air outdoors.

  5. Do not keep a freezer or refrigerator in a non-air-conditioned area such as a garage or carport. They are less efficient when running outside.

Are you interested in saving more money? Cleco offers energy efficiency programs that can help customers save energy and money. Visit Cleco’s website at for more information.