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Deck the halls safely with energy-saving lights

Dec 2, 2013

PINEVILLE, La. – To keep this the most wonderful time of the year, Cleco reminds customers to be safe as they decorate trees and add a festive motif to lawns and homes. Decorating with energy-saving lights can add up to savings on an electric bill, leaving more available cash when needed the most.

"This is a fun, cheerful time of the year and to keep the season merry and bright, we encourage everyone to decorate safely," said Mike Joseph, Cleco's risk manager. "Look up and locate power lines before climbing ladders outside, and inspect extension cords before using to ensure they are not frayed or damaged. Also, never overload outlets or extension cords."

Unplug lights when replacing bulbs and fuses, and be sure all sockets have lights as empty sockets can be a danger for shock.

Cleco recommends using light emitting diode or LED lights to replace older light strands. LED bulbs can use up to 90 percent less energy and are longer lasting than traditional bulbs.

Ensure lights are used for their intended purpose. Only use lights rated for outdoor use outside, and when using outdoor lights, protect electrical connections from rain and dampness by wrapping with electrical tape and keeping connections off of the ground.

"Decorating safely and wisely are great traditions to begin this year if you haven't already started," said Joseph. "We at Cleco wish you a bright and safe holiday season and a prosperous New Year."

Click here to learn more about the energy efficiency program or call 1-877-662-4047.