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Cleco reminds customers to keep energy conservation in mind during colder weather

Nov 27, 2013

PINEVILLE, La. – Forecasters predict colder than normal temperatures for many parts of Louisiana in the upcoming days. Cleco reminds customers that conserving energy during colder days can help save money on their electric bill.

“It feels like winter has come early and customers will be using their heating units more,” said Shirley Turner, general manager of customer experience management. “While we want all customers to stay warm, we are reminding everyone that keeping their thermostats set at 68 degrees could help them better manage their electric bill this winter season.”

According to Cleco, heating and cooling units make up almost half of a home’s energy use. Setting thermostats at an energy efficient level is the best way to keep down energy costs. Water heaters are the second largest energy user. A setting of 140 degrees allows for sterilization in kitchens, but in most cases, a setting of 120 degrees is sufficient.

“We also discourage our customers from heating their homes using stoves and ovens,” said Turner. “This practice is not safe and can add to the cost of your electric bill.”

Other ways to conserve energy are to keep blinds open during the day to take advantage of the sun’s heat and close them in the evenings to help keep in the warmth. Also, seal air leaks around pipes, lights and around doors and windows .

For more energy-saving tips, go to