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Lights and safety: Two things that make the season bright

Nov 27, 2012

PINEVILLE, LA. - It is time to pull boxes from the attic, untangle lights and decorate trees. As you hang lights and prepare for the season, Cleco reminds you to keep safety at the top of your list.

“Lights help make the season; however, we urge you to use caution as you decorate inside and outside of your home,” said Shirley Turner, general manager of customer experience management. “Watch for overhead power lines as you use ladders to put up outdoor lights. Also, make sure you use lights rated for outdoor use. Wrap electrical connections to protect from rain and dampness and keep the connections off of the ground.”

Turner added, “Make sure all light sockets have lights to avoid shock, and inspect light cords for fraying. Also, never replace bulbs and fuses unless the light strand is unplugged.”

Cleco recommends limiting the number of light strings to three or less when using an extension cord and never running extension cords under rugs or attaching to the walls with staples or nails.

“One of the most important safety reminders we can offer is to unplug all lights when you are away from home,” said Turner. “Also, this is a good time to check the batteries in smoke detectors just as a precaution.”

In addition to safety, Cleco tells everyone that decorating doesn’t have to be expensive. “Light emitting diode or LED lights generate less heat and use 80 percent to 90 percent less energy,” said Turner. “In addition, putting lights on a timer can reduce energy use.”

For more information on electrical holiday safety, visit