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Cleco encourages Louisiana organizations to apply for grants and volunteer support

Cleco Power is committed to giving back to Louisiana communities through volunteerism and charitable giving.

Cleco employees donate 160 toys to Toys for Tots

Cleco employees donated approximately 160 toys to Toys for Tots, directly benefiting Louisiana children across the company’s 24-parish service area.

Cleco employees raise approximately $80,000 for Marine Toys for Tots Foundation

Cleco employees raised approximately $80,000 for Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, a not-for-profit public charity that runs Toys for Tots, which provides toys to economically disadvantaged children during the holiday season and beyond. 

Cleco in the Spotlight

Reliability energizes us.

Kept customer lights on 99.9% of the time in 2023.

Saving energy energizes us.

Weatherized over 2,200 homes in 2023.

Customers energize us.

The most utility customer service offices in Louisiana.